A dynamic mix of acoustic flavors from Latin America - gorgeously served

Grant Award
Karin Stein of Calle Sur received a grant of $7,450 from the Iowa Arts Council in July of 2017 to develop a new school program together with veteran Iowa actor Lorenzo Sandoval. The program will be called "A Concert of Hispanic Tales" and will consist of traditional stories from Hispanic America (South, Central, and North America) for which Calle Sur will provide live sound effects. In between stories, Calle Sur will perform songs that are relevant to the region from which a particular story originated.

New CD (still) in Process
In between our performance travels and other commitments, we are slowly making progress on our new CD. Maybe we'll get it finished yet this year? It will feature tunes recorded at live shows. Stay tuned and use our contact form to let us know you'd like to be notified when it is released.